
Showing posts from 2020

Words of the Week: #10

Words of the Week: #10 1) Etymology- the study of the origin and the historical development of words. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Etymology is important because you can see how words have changed over time. You can trace a modern word to its original form.  You can establish a connection between a new word and the words you already know if you learn the origin of words. 2) Stem- refers to a base or word root together with any derivational affixes that have been added, and to which inflectional endings may be added. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Stems are important because they simply help students understand word parts. They also should not be confused with roots because they are sort of similar in nat...

Words of the Week: #9

Words of the Week: #9 1) Affixes- suffixes or prefixes attached to a base word, stem, or root. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Affixes are important because they are one of the building blocks of meaning within a word. Once a student knows the meaning of an affix, they can use that to understand the rest of the word they are reading. 2) Morphemic Analysis- the process of analyzing or breaking down a word in terms of its meaning units or morphemes. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Morphemic analysis is important because it can help students understand a word and its meaning easier. The students can break down and study the word. This allows them to look at the word more closely and get a different understanding of that word. It provides an alternative way of looking at the meaning of a word.

Words of the Week: #8

Words of the Week: #8 1) Word Consciousness- an attitude of curiosity and attention to words critical for vocabulary development. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Word consciousness is important because this allows students to become more aware of words and it helps them build their vocabulary. When students are curious about words they will want to learn, they will learn more words, etc. 2) Diphthongs- complex speech sounds beginning with one vowel sound and moving to another within the same syllable. The oy in boy is a diphthong, as is the ou in cloud.  (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) These are important simply because there are many words in the English language that include...

Words of the Week: #7

Words of the Week: #7 1) Sight Words- printed words stored in memory by the reader that can be read immediately, "at first sight," without having to use decoding strategies. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way, Pearson, 2020.) Sight words are very important because a lot of those words are used often in reading and writing. It also promotes reading comprehension and they can help provide clues to the context of the text. A child may be familiar with the word, and therefore they may be able to decode the meaning of it by reading it and the text surrounding that word. 2) Schwa- a vowel sound in English that often occurs in an unstressed syllable, such as the /uh/ sound in the first syllable of the word above.  (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words...