Words of the Week: #5
Words of the Week: #5 1) Spelling Inventory- an assessment that ask students to spell a series of increasingly difficult words used to determine what spelling features students know or use but confuse, as wells as a specific developmental stage of spelling. (Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way. Pearson, 2020.) Spelling inventories are important because it really allows the teacher to determine how well a student is doing with spelling. They get to see what stage of spelling they are at and they can see the patterns that student may use when trying to spell a word. After they get the results, they can target certain areas that child needs help with and they can just use the inventories to see improvement over time. Photo: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/spelling-inventory-2b1-590x410.jpg 2) Static Reversal- a handwriting error that is the mirror image of the intended letter ( b for d, or p for d). (Bear, Donald R., et al. ...