Words of the Week: #5
Words of the Week: #5
1) Spelling Inventory- an assessment that ask students to spell a series of increasingly difficult words used to determine what spelling features students know or use but confuse, as wells as a specific developmental stage of spelling.
(Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way. Pearson, 2020.)
Spelling inventories are important because it really allows the teacher to determine how well a student is doing with spelling. They get to see what stage of spelling they are at and they can see the patterns that student may use when trying to spell a word. After they get the results, they can target certain areas that child needs help with and they can just use the inventories to see improvement over time.
Photo: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/spelling-inventory-2b1-590x410.jpg
2) Static Reversal- a handwriting error that is the mirror image of the intended letter (b for d, or p for d).
(Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way. Pearson, 2020.)
When teachers use spelling inventories, it's important to note that static reversals don't count as a spelling error. Teachers should be aware of that because it could hurt the child's score on the inventory. The child may have intended to write the other letter, but it ended up looking like a different letter. Over time, if the student is doing this consistently you must stop and show them and let them practice writing the letter correctly.
Photo: https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/11964504.jpg
3) Kinetic Reversal- an error of letter order (PTE for pet).
(Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way. Pearson, 2020.)
Kinetic reversals are important to know about because often teachers are confused when they try to score their students' spelling inventories. Teachers must look at it carefully to determine if the child got it wrong or not. If a child spells fan like FNA, then they get the points for the consonants, but they don't get the points for correct spelling. When a student spells train like TRIAN, then they don't get credit because it suggests that they need more work on the patterns of the word.
Photo: https://ninadavis.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/interactive-writing-pd-oct-003.jpg
4) Feature Guide- a tool used to classify students' errors within a hierarchy of orthographic features. Used to score spelling inventories to assess students' knowledge of specific spelling features at their partciular stage of spelling development and to plan word study instruction to meet individual needs.
(Bear, Donald R., et al. Words their Way. Pearson, 2020.)
Feature guides are important because they are what determines a student's score on the inventory. They help determine the child's knowledge of spelling and at what stage that child may be at.
Photo: http://i0.wp.com/www.secondstorywindow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/6a0163004149d3970d01a3fd2779a7970b-500wi.jpg
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